Up next, our interview with canna-boss lady CPA, Stacey Udell.
Stacey is a Principal and Director of Valuation, Litigation and Forensics for the Mid-Atlantic Region of HBK Valuation Group. She has more than 20 years experience in business valuation, forensic accounting, economic damages, and litigation support services specializing in the valuation of privately held businesses for purposes of litigation support (such as marriage dissolutions, shareholder or partner disputes, and lost profits), mergers and acquisitions, sales, buy-sell agreements, estate planning and taxation. Ms. Udell also performs economic damages analysis and compensation studies. Stacey has been qualified as an expert in the States of New Jersey and Ohio.
In her prior role as a partner in a full-service accounting firm, Stacey provided accounting and tax services for closely-held and family businesses, including financial statement preparation, business and personal income tax planning and compliance, and succession planning.
Stacey has valued privately-owned operating companies and divisions, investment holding companies, proprietorships, and other entities in various industries.
Stacey is a core member of HBK’s Cannabis Solutions Group and works with clients applying for licenses, operating entities, and helping cannabis entities develop strategies to maximize the value of their firms for a potential exit. Her clients include cultivators, processors, retailers, vertically integrated operators, and ancillary service providers.
Email: sudell@hbkvg.com
Web: https://hbkcpa.com/consultants/stacey-d-udell/